hhworld.net – Humphrey H's Meandering Ramblings

Humphrey H's views on everything

Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protests

This is just a quick note and a re-blog of a video from Mashable, and probably could of just been a Facebook comment or tweet, but I’ve decided to try and keep writing these things down in the blog, to keep my ramblings in one place.

I’ll probably get myself put on some kind of watch-list in Beijing for re-blogging this, but has anyone been paying attention to what’s going on in HK right now?

I’d heard a little bit about it on various news sites and friends Facebook pages – but I had no idea the scale of this event until I watched this video: http://mashable.com/2014/09/29/drone-hong-kong-protest/

This is just a short note really, rather than a real post, but go and have a look at what’s going on over there.

On a side note – I think only the Japanese could have a more orderly protest than this. Sure there have been demonstrations that got violent, and the police have fired tear gas (82 canisters the other day apparently) but you’ll see in this video that there’s even space for people to run up and down between the rows of sit-in protesters and walk through the crowds. This many people protesting in most other parts of the world, and it would just be chaos by now. I’m impressed.

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